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Chloe Replica Bags Gallet and Savoy Roads to East Milton AvenueSavoy Road to Espasie DriveMarteau and Fairfield Roads and LA 92Rue Fosse at East Broussard RoadLarrivier Road, Almonaster Road and Young StreetHillcrest subdivisionHill Ridge DriveW. Broussard Road at Ridge and Duhon RoadsTeljean RoadVincent RoadTolson RoadConstitution DriveBickerton DriveBurlington AvenueNora Broussard RoadElias G Road1700 block of E. Milton Avenue (coulee overflow)3000 block of Verot School Road at Millcreek Road100 block of Aristotle StreetSavoy Road at Verot School RoadSandhill Crane DriveLahasky DriveAll roads in Youngsville were closed on Friday morning.. Chloe Replica Bags

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