Kate Winslet and a shaggy coat story
I Authentic Prada Bag For Sale Ph am confused about why Best Prada Outlet In Milan anti-fur celebrities are prepared to wear fake fur. Black Prada Doctor Bag In photos, if the fake is any good, it looks like real fur. Therefore, in print or on film, Baby Prada Shoes Uk the vegetarian, vegan or otherwise concerned celeb appears to be wearing fur… Glamour, sophistication – you get the drift.
Obviously, Black Prada Eyeglass Case they can take comfort from remembering nothing was harmed in the making of their garment. But when the celeb in question knows full Authentic Prada Nylon Messenger Bag well that their image is worth thousands, if not millions to advertisers, that what they wear is thought to influence the market, then the benefit of saving a rabbit or two for their own coat is surely cancelled out homesite by the boost they give to Black Prada Doctor Bag the Authentic Prada Vitello Daino general idea of fur as cool.
And so to Kate Winslet. According to this week’s Heat magazine, Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Shoes Uk she was cross to discover that what she thought was fake fur worn for her recent Authentic Prada Gauffre Bag Vanity Fair cover shoot turns out to have been real.
She could always have said that she didn’t want anything to do with fur at all.
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