Occasionally An Aesop: when two children are fighting over something in Real Life, the parents will often punish them by not letting either of them have it. (If it is an item, they will lock it away, sometimes even give it away; if it was an event, they will call it off.) This kind of punishment carries over to television, where the futility of a fight is often demonstrated by having it turn out to have been in vain, with the goal taken away at the last minute or destroyed by the fighters themselves in the heat of the battle. In universe, this will often work amazingly well as a lesson where after a few moments of Lying in the Dirt Together, the two former enemies will be inviting each other for drinks, no longer having a reason to fight, the whole business now a shared memory to look back on and laugh at. In real life, not so much because, of course, it was the other kid’s fault for starting the fight in the first place. Compare Nice Job Breaking It, Rivals!. Which was really the whole point anyway.

Replica Handbags LOLcats are an Internet meme which is best described as the lovechild of Cute Kittens and Memetic Mutation. Lolcats are Image Macros that combine photos of cats with humorous captions, usually in a form of broken english known as “kitty pidgin” or “lolspeak”. It should be noted that using bad spelling as humour is hardly a new phenomenon. And the practice of combining cats with funny captions goes back even further. However, the modern day phenomenon of LOLcats originates from the Image Board 4chan, where every Saturday users posted funny pictures of kitties, a practice called “Caturday”. This didn’t become a sensation until the launching of the website I Can Has Cheezburger? which takes its name from this popular image. (scroll down a little bit) Replica Handbags

Replica Designer Handbags Never Mess with Granny: Mrs Kitsmiller greets Amber at the door with a revolver when Amber goes to her house the first time, because the gopniki have been harassing her. Subverted It turns out she doesn’t know how to use it, and on top of that it’s not even loaded, and she doesn’t know how to load it. New Media Are Evil: Averted. The Internet, text messaging and high tech communication in general are all tools the good guys make heavy use of. Not So Different: Uses twice, once by Amber and once on her. Amber tells Govrolev that they both feel the same way about their companies; Hastings points out to Amber that she’s just as much on the shadowy side of the law as he is. Only Known by Their Nickname: Izzy Alphabet. Her real name is an Eastern European tongue twisting replica bags mass of letters. Julian compared it to “alphabet soup” the nickname stuck. Amber states that she has never managed to say it correctly. Playful Hacker: Izzy. Some of the things she does aren’t legal, but she’s not malicious and she doesn’t damage anything. She just digs out information that folks would prefer wasn’t found. Pragmatic Hero: Although Amber is concerned by the suffering the development deal is causing people, her main focus is keeping her business afloat and her employees safe. She also cheerfully blackmails an FBI agent for over a hundred thousand dollars, and conceals a triple homicide from the police. Private Investigator: Amber, of course. Also Andrew Stark and Stavros. Julian and Izzy are training to get their certifications; Julian is an apprentice and Izzy is a journeyman. Punch Clock Villain: Charles Kasey. Reality Is Unrealistic: Amber invokes this when Drake suggests that they break into a house and steal a piece of evidence. She explains that it won’t work for three reasons: She doesn’t know how, the security system “is probably smarter than we are”, and oh, yeah, breaking and entering is a crime and she doesn’t want to go to jail. Amber exposes his attempt to manipulate her (see Good Cop/Bad Cop) but he takes it with grace and does not attempt to antagonize her further. Reckless Gun https://www.designerreplicabags.com Usage: Beer and AR 15s are not a good combination, as one Thom Cullen finds out. Reliably Unreliable Guns: Justified. Amber’s pistol does jam but the model, a Jennings J 22 is infamous in the gun community for its propensity to malfunction. Also, she tries to clear the jam and keep shooting rather than tossing the pistol aside as is standard for this trope. Scar Survey: Amber, to Drake the morning after he arrives, as he’s making breakfast shirtless. “I’d guess knife.” Replica Designer Handbags

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