Parodied in Excel Saga: at the end of the Space Opera spoof, the evil puchuu faction tries to ram the Earth with their giant mothership. The good puchuus manage to destroy most of it, then when they learn a remaining piece will still devastate the City of Adventure on impact, declare it acceptable losses and leave as the Puchuu shaped mushroom cloud rises over Fukuo excuse me, “F City.” (The next episode is a parody of Fist of the North Star that turns quite unexpectedly, and quite effectively, serious in the last third).
Hermes Handbags The Tanner family, who Alex meets in Australia are also familiar with the guns and weapons, and hunt cryptids their way. Bad Powers, Good People: Sarah Zellaby and Angela Baker are polite, kind, well adjusted people who belong to a species of sociopathic mind controllers. Gorgons can turn you to stone and have venomous snakes for hair but are gregarious neighbors with a strong sense of place and family. Most ghouls the only obligate carnivore in family Primates keep themselves out of other people’s hair as much as they can. Hermes Handbags
Hermes Replica Aluminum Christmas Trees: To an extent, the Baron’s birthday presents which are actually Caractacus and Truly in disguise. You’d think that this is an example of an egregiously Paper Thin Disguise. unless you already knew about 18th century clockwork automatons. Of course, they were never able to imitate humans singing, but at the time it seemed like anything was possible with them. There was one that could play the flute, a mechanical duck that could eat and digest food, several that could write, and a chess playing hoax so ingenious and masterfully crafted that it is still worth mentioning. This last example also demonstrates how it wouldn’t have seemed so far fetched that there might be clockwork creations that could sing and dance (although it was achieved in largely the same way). Aristocrats Are Evil: Baron and Baroness Bomburst, the leaders of Vulgaria. Though averted with Truly Scrumptious, who is, well. Attack! Attack. Retreat! Retreat!: The Vulgarian admiral following behind the cavalry, when the gates close behind him. Baleful Polymorph: Taken literally, “Doll on a Music Box” claims that the doll (actually Truly in disguise) was once human and cursed to become a mechanical object of amusement. However, it can also refer to Truly feeling restricted by the position and expectations associated with her social stature. The Baroness: The Baroness. Unlike most examples, this Baroness is in fact an actual baroness. She is married to a baron and lives in the capital of a barony. Big “WHAT?!”: After Truly crashes her car into the lake for the second time, the following exchange happens between her and Mr. Potts:Potts: “I think you’ll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an High Quality Fake Hermes excellent safety precaution, Ms. Scrumptious.” Hermes Replica
Replica Hermes Erotic Eating: Schuyler is about to eat maybe a chocolate, maybe a fruit. The Vampire takes it out of his hand, puts it between her teeth, and gestures for him to take it out of her mouth. The film cuts away before he does. Establishing Character Moment: The film opens with Schuyler, posed against a stage curtain, smelling a flower. Then it shows the Vampire, taking a flower out of its vase, smelling the flower, then crushing the flower’s petals in her hand. Femme Fatale: The Vampire doesn’t even seem to make much of an effort to be nice to Schuyler; she manipulates and exploits him purely with her sexuality. For the Evulz: Seemingly the only reason why the Vampire intervenes and wrecks possible reconciliations between Schuyler and his family, even after she’s bled him dry and found another lover. Karma Houdini: The Vampire faces no comeuppance for utterly destroying Schuyler. By the end she’s moved on to another lover. Literary Allusion Title: From the Kipling poem. Love Is a Drug: This comparison is not stated anywhere in the film, but onscreen, it plays out much like this. By the end Schuyler is a physical wreck, much as a drug addict might be. He loses everything, much as a drug addict might. He is powerless to turn away from the Vampire even when his wife and child are there pleading, much as a drug addict might not be able to pull away from his fix. Match Cut: The Vampire pulls away from Schuyler’s embrace to one of the Schuyler family servants pulling away from a hug from the little daughter. No Name Given for Bara’s character, other than the Vampire. Time Skip: The Vampire introduces herself to Schuyler on the boat to England. A title card indicates that two months go by. Boom, they are lovers in Italy. The Vamp: This film is the Trope Codifier. Your Cheating Heart: Schuyler throws away his marriage (and everything else) for the Vampire Replica Hermes.
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