
Fire investigators are looking into the suspected arson fire at the Kamloops Food Bank Thursday night while the agency makes an appeal for donations to replenish its stocks. Assistant fire chief Mike Adams said Friday the fire is still under investigation but it’s believed to be suspicious. There’s no estimate on the damage yet.

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She suggests tabling any major decisions, whether they personal or professional, for a more well rested day. “If you really can avoid a meeting, try to get some exercise right beforehand so you can concentrate better,” she recommends. Later in the day, cross off some of those mundane tasks on your to do list you been putting off forever.With your impaired attention and focus, you really don need any other distractions.

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Real Madrid crush Granada to equal Spanish record unbeaten run

Real Madrid equalled a Spanish record of 39 games unbeaten in all competitions as Zinedine Zidanes side crushed struggling Granada 5-0 on Saturday to go six points clear at the top of La Liga.

Real Madrid 5-0 Granada: La Liga C as it happened Read more

The league leaders resumed their campaign after a Christmas break, with Cristiano Ronaldo honoured before the match, appearing on the pitch with his four Ballon dOr awards, alongside fellow winners Zidane, Luis Figo, Michael Owen and Brazils Ronaldo.

Spanish midfielder Isco, starting the game with Gareth Bale still out injured, set Real on their way to victory in the 12th minute, latching on to a pass from Karim Benzema and squeezing the ball under Granadas goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa.

“Perdone, ¿cuánto cuesta una habitación?”

“¿Qué día, señores?”, sería la respuesta. Y es una contestación que aún desconcierta a muchos clientes, ya que hasta hace pocos años los hoteles tenían tarifa estáticas, fijadas en base a temporadas claramente delimitadas en el tiempo. Hoy en día, sin embargo, el precio de una habitación es un elemento completamente dinámico.


Valor de la habitación

Los hoteles solían tener sus tarifas basadas en tres temporadas – baja, media y alta- y lo habitual era tenerlas impresas para entregarlas a todo aquel que las solicitara, de forma que se podía saber el precio de una habitación con sólo consultar el calendario. Hoy en día, sin embargo, las tarifas cambian constantemente, en función de la oferta y la demanda.

Las compañías aéreas fueron las primeras en darse cuenta de que mantener un sistema de tarifas tan rígido no era práctico, ni productivo. Definir temporadas no era suficiente, ya que cualquier acontecimiento podía hacer subir o bajar la demanda y se perdían oportunidades de negocio. Era necesario adaptar los precios a la demanda y la capacidad en cada momento. Como consecuencia, hoy en día ya nadie se extraña al ver cómo el precio de un vuelo varía, no ya por días, sino por horas.

La inmediatez de la web ha facilitado que los hoteles adopten el mismo sistema dinámico de ventas, actualizando los precios a diario. Todavía se publican las tarifas máximas y mínimas del año, pero con libertad para moverse entre ambos extremos.  El precio de una habitación ya no depende sólo de factores permanentes e intrínsecos como el tamaño, la categoría o los servicios, sino también de factores coyunturales y del momento en que se solicita.  De igual forma, internet permite ofrecer descuentos y promociones puntuales o por períodos concretos de tiempo, que suponen un importante beneficio para el consumidor.

Otra consecuencia del auge de internet en el sector hotelero es la aparición de múltiples canales de ventas. Se puede encontrar el mismo hotel en distintas webs, aunque no siempre con autorización y conocimiento del propietario, lo cual ha dado lugar a casos de fraudes en reservas hoteleras. En este sentido, es fundamental asegurarse de que el canal elegido es de confianza y, por definición, el canal de más confianza es la propia web del hotel. Además, si bien la norma hoy en día es mantener una paridad de tarifas en todos los canales, a veces encontramos pequeños premios a los clientes que eligen reservar directamente con el establecimiento o que son seguidores en sus perfiles de redes sociales. Un valor añadido en agradecimiento por su confianza.

No se trata pues de un post para profesionales del sector, que conocen de sobra el concepto de Revenue / Yield Management, sino de una breve explicación para el usuario de a pie, para que entienda por qué la respuesta del recepcionista a su pregunta es “la tarifa hoy para el día tal, es ésta”.

Hahnemann and Kitson put Royals in the elite

According to Napoleon the art of war consisted of a well-reasoned and circumspect defence followed by a rapid and audacious attack. If he had turned his mind to the beautiful game instead of choosing a military life Corsica might have had one heck of a team back then.

His theory, however, is universal Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Messenger Bag and has Authentic Prada Bags For Sale Philippines not gone to waste: the art of football has been perfected by Reading. The Championship leaders have easily the best attack and defence in the Football League with more goals scored and fewer conceded than anyone else.

They owe such superiority in great part to their 17-goal striker Dave Kitson and goalkeeper Marcus Hahnemann, whose mastery of their duties at this level has convinced many that they are capable of succeeding at the next.

“A few of our boys said how impressed they were by the whole team more about pradasg, I can see them holding their own in the Premiership,” said Coventry’s Adrian Williams, a defensive legend in these parts after more than 400 appearances in two spells for the Royals who now seems intent on collecting souvenirs.”Marcus made some brilliant saves. I’ve got his shirt, it was the only one to get.” The only one Hahnemann wants is currently keeping the first or second choice Kasey Keller and Tim Howard warm in the Bicester Village Prada Online United States national team, although he is going the right way to claiming it for himself.

Kitson may have secured the lead for Reading moments into the second half before cementing it 12 minutes from full-time but Reading’s 12th win in 13 league matches owed just as much to a supreme effort by the man keeping Coventry at bay.

Hahnemann’s initial involvement was to tip a Stern John header round the post in the sixth minute but brilliant though that was, it was mere routine next to the double denial that followed soon after Kitson’s neat lob over Marton Fulop had expunged memories of a scrappy opening half. The first instalment came in palming away a free-kick from the Authentic Prada Online Shop Coventry substitute Don Hutchison; the second in tipping over a flicked header by the same player from the subsequent corner.

Marcus Hall might then have changed the course of the match and realigned history had his volley from Are All Prada Handbags Leather outside the box crept under Hahnemann’s crossbar instead of hitting it and rebounding Authentic Prada Handbags Online Australia over. Coventry had won 2-1 having gone a goal behind on each of their past three visits to the Madejski but they may have to rethink the strategy whenever they next visit.

Their manager Micky Adams would dearly like to come up with an effective plan for away days anywhere this season. “I feel like I’ve got a couple of players who go missing in away games,” he said. “We’re at home this week [to Derby] so hopefully they’ll be there.” Adams introduced Dele Adebola into a three-man attack on 75 Authentic Prada Bags Online Singapore minutes but in pressing to equalise the visitors left themselves open to the inevitable goal on the break. It came following a run by the Reading substitute Stephen Hunt on the left which set up Authentic Prada Americas Cup Sneakers Kitson for the clincher with a flicked finish from six yards. Such audacious attack had again been made possible by circumspect defence and Reading’s manager Steve Coppell was the first to admit as much.

“At the end Authentic Prada Bags For Cheap of the game Marcus has been the biggest factor in our victory,” he said. “He’s got a hell of a goal to aim for with the World Cup but he’s just got to push his way into the team. So many times he’s made a great save this season and we’ve gone up the other end and scored.”

Coppell still refuses to talk of such fanciful notions as winning promotion when your team is 21 points clear of third place in mid-January, but the temptation is there for his players. “We’ve got an unbelievable squad and one that deserves a crack at the Premiership,” said Kitson. Black Prada Doctor Bag “The best thing about it is most of the lads have not reached their peak yet. I hope what we may lack in experience in the Premier League, we’ll make up for with enthusiasm.”

Such enthusiasm, however, does not necessarily extend to tomorrow’s FA Cup third-round replay at home to West Bromwich Albion – not with a crucial league trip to Selhurst Park on Friday. “I want the Crystal Palace game to come round because we’re playing well and we fancy our chances,” said Kitson. “We’re probably not going to win the FA Cup but we have a terrific chance of winning the league and that is what we’ve got to concentrate on.”

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