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Replica Hermes We wish Jack all the very best in the future in his endeavors to put taxpayer money back into our pockets instead of the governments.The 23 minute video obtained by CFRA appears to show MacLaren speaking to a crowd when he is confronted by questions about “language fairness.” The video has not been authenticated by 580 CFRA or CTV Ottawa.”When will I hear a politician actually bring that subject up,” challenges a man off screen at the 12:43 mark of the video, who identifies himself as a supporter of Canadians for Language Fairness.According to its website, Canadians for Language Fairness is a group which calls for the government to “stop wasting our tax dollars” and “end the unfairness of official bilingualism.””Our children their chances of employment are shrinking because of language disqualifications,” the man presses on.”You don’t have to convince me with what’s wrong with French language in Eastern Ontario,” MacLaren appears to say in response.As the man in the crowd continues challenging him, MacLaren explains his party’s stance.”You’re right but you won’t hear it because we’re trying to get elected and it will always be twisted and turned that the Liberal ” says MacLaren in the video, as he is interrupted mid sentence.”We have lots of things that we’re going to do that we won’t say to people before the election, because we won’t get elected,” he adds.The video also shows an encounter between MacLaren and a woman who is arguing that Ontario does not have a significant French speaking population.”Between French immersion and all these French schools with the big Franco Ontarian banners flying at them, there’s the illusion in Ontario that we are so French but we’re not,” says the woman.”And you would get so many more votes if you stood up and spoke out for freedom of speech,” she adds, drawing loud applause from the crowd.In response, MacLaren appears to raise his eyebrows and claps. “I hear you,” he says, pointing into the crowd.PC Leader Patrick Brown released a statement to NewsTalk 580 CFRA, confirming MacLaren has been expelled from the Tory caucus as a result of this video.”I am building a modern, inclusive Ontario PC Party one where it doesn’t matter where you’re from, who you love, www.fancyofferhandbag.com where you worship, what language you speak, or how much money you make,” says Brown, in a written statement. “Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that Jack MacLaren does not share these values.”Brown says MacLaren’s comments are “unacceptable” and calls the video “the final straw.””Each time Jack MacLaren is caught making disparaging or insensitive remarks about others he asks for forgiveness and a second chance Replica Hermes.

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