O Manna and do not believe in Him, O Glory and Glory, O length and generosity “O God, Lord… If you have written me in the Book of the Book, Shekiah, or I have been hanged, or who have been persecuted, or have been afflicted with me in sustenance, Oh God, by your virtue, my tears, and my haramani, and my paths, and my life, and you write me in the Book of the Book, happy, Merzouka, good for good, you say and say the truth in your book home on the tongue of your prophet. O Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord of the World, on the night of the half of the holy month of Shaaban, in which every wise and wise thing is divided, to reveal from us the scourge we know and what we do not know, You are the most knowledgeable, and you are the dear Aziz, and the generous honor, ((God’s blessings and peace be upon his master Muhammad and his family and companions)
Oh God…

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