The game offers three game modes to suit your style of play. The first is little more than a sandbox. You’re set loose upon a space center complete with a vehicle assembly building and a launch pad, a bin full of rocket parts, ground personnel composed entirely of yes men who build and wheel onto the launch pad anything you design no matter how crazy it is, and some astronauts to crew your creations. The second version is Science, in which you have to conduct experiments in order to unlock various piece parts, as you start off with just the very basics. The third mode is full blown Career mode, and you have to juggle a budget, job offers, your Kerbalnauts and conduct Science similar to the Science mode (which used to be the old Career mode, prior to 0.24). Essentially, you have to manage the entire Space Program. The number of parts has risen dramatically in recent releases, and the community is already cranking out fanmade addons at an impressive pace on top of that.
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