airlines point to additional problems of any Ebola travel ban

(Repeats Oct. airlines have said little publicly about political pressure to close the country borders canada goose store to travelers from Ebola ravaged countries in West Africa, but in private they have briefed government officials about the challenges to implementing a ban, industry sources told Reuters. lawmakers have called for Canada Goose Coats On Sale a buy canada goose jacket cheap ban on visitors from Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, where the world worst Ebola outbreak on uk canada goose outlet record has killed almost 5,000 people. Since late September, a Liberian man who canada goose factory sale traveled by Canada Goose Parka airline to Texas and an American doctor who lives in New York and flew home after treating Ebola patients in Guinea, have been diagnosed with the virus after their arrival. Canada Goose Jackets The Liberian died on Oct. 8 and the doctor is hospitalized in a specialized ward.

The canada goose uk outlet Airlines for Canada Goose Online America trade group Canada Goose sale has said canada goose coats on sale publicly that it supports the White House view that a ban would make canada goose clearance sale it more difficult to curb the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Yet individual airlines have raised additional concerns that their booking agents and software are not equipped to flag travelers under a ban. They also worry that a blanket restriction for West African canada goose coats countries might alarm the public and curtail travel on a wider scale. carrier.

Airlines for America has briefed people involved with travel issues on Capitol Hill in Washington about its position, according to a source present for the talks. Discussions have not risen to the level of a lobbying campaign because the Obama administration has so far rejected a ban and Congress is out of session, according to the airline executive.

the state of the news cycle, it a practical approach, said airline cheap canada goose uk industry consultant Robert Mann. just simply don want to raise the issue to headline status anymore. It may not turn out to be the winning strategy, canada goose uk shop but at this point it is for them the best approach.

American Airlines buy canada goose jacket suffered a single day uk canada goose drop in canada goose clearance bookings after Congress stirred the public concern during a hearing on Ebola earlier this month, although reservations quickly rebounded. cheap Canada Goose American, Canada Goose Outlet Delta Air Lines, United Airlines and Southwest Airlines have said Ebola has not impacted consumer demand overall.

Airline stocks plummeted in the days following the Liberian diagnosis in Dallas on Sept. 30, with American shares falling nearly 20 percent. Yet the stocks have rebounded and American is up more than 13 percent compared Canada Goose online with Sept. 30 after airlines offered largely positive guidance for the current quarter.

ITINERARY Several countries, including Jamaica and Australia, have canada goose imposed travel restrictions on visitors canadian goose jacket from the three nations most affected by the disease. government requires all travelers from these three like web countries to enter through five major airports, where they are checked for fever and asked questions to determine their risk of exposure.

The travelers canada goose uk black friday will be monitored by local canada goose black friday sale health officials for 21 days, the maximum window in which an Ebola infection would materialize. states, including New York and New Jersey, are quarantining high risk passengers.

Airline officials note that even under a travel ban, they may not be able to determine where a passenger set out from, as there are no direct flights from Liberia, Guinea or Sierra Leone. Booking systems cannot necessarily catch people who reserve their connecting flight to the United States on a separate ticket from their flight out of West Africa.

Junglepussy: Inside an MC’s Fertile Imagination

East New York, Brooklyn rapper Junglepussy’s presence in person is just as energetic and magnetic as it is on wax.When not in rapper mode, the MC born Shayna McHayle still jokes and blesses ears with witty statements. And whether buy canada goose jacket cheap she’s defending the state of hip-hop in her native New York City, or clowning the many men intimated by her steely swag, she doesn’t slack one iota in her strong opinions.Thanks to Junglepussy’s bravado-laced 16s, and the #RelationshipGoals content she impeccably lays down in the studio, the estrogen-filled MC has been abuzz in the City of Dreams for a few years now. Yes, we know: every other rapper is Canada Goose Coats On Sale boastful and sometimes raps about relationships. But JP’s braggadocio isn’t over-the-top. Instead, she slides across as more confident than boastful, which unfortunately frightens away potential baes. That being said, this explains Junglepussy’s slinging her pen about what an independent, intelligent woman really wants in a man.“Really, in my music I want it to be a tool,” she says. “Like, listen to this and you’ll get some balls, or you’ll feel powerful. So I have to throw those things in there. Because so many guys are bragging, they cussing us out, and they canada goose deals calling us all kinds of names. So I’m like, I’m about to do it.”After her fiery, unique YouTube single “Cream Team” hit the ’net back in 2013, the six canada goose clearance sale foot tall former design student has been consistently great on the 2014 mixtape Satisfaction Guaranteed and her debut album, 2015’s Pregnant with Success.Thanks in part to her go-to producer Shy Guy, Junglepussy’s distinctive sound has made her one of the Rotten Apple’s most promising MCs. She’s even racked up respect from music vet Erykah Badu, who gave the budding rhymeslinger some Twitter love.Junglepussy recently dropped by’s Manhattan offices, where she discussed relationships, being a Black woman in America, where she gets her confidence from and much more.EBONY: Your “Country Boy” single offended me, because I’m from Mississippi. Why’d you go there?Junglepussy: [laugher] People always coming to New York, and I was feeling mad New York, and people still feel like the South got the flavor, they got the heat. Everybody felt like people are not being New York enough, or being like other people, so I was like: “Okay, let me be mad New York and rude and talk sh*t about people who are not canada goose outlet from New York.”EBONY: Tell us your personal opinion on the state of New York hip-hop.Junglepussy: I’m not mad at it. People just seeing what they want to see. New York, it’s definitely getting better. A few years ago people were like, “Oh, music sucks.” But people are having way more fun with it now. I feel like the state of hip-hop is growing. But just like anything else that you love, you’re going to be mad at it, love it, you’re going to want it to be something that it doesn’t want to Canada Goose Online be. I just take canada goose clearance it like that.EBONY: What I love about your sound is that your boasting comes off as more confident than just talking sh*t.Junglepussy: I didn’t notice it until you just said it. But I do like to tell myself things that I like to hear. I don’t want to wait for other people to tell me; I tell myself.EBONY: So you get confidence by telling yourself what you want to hear?Junglepussy: You can ask anybody in my family: I was so shy. I used to wear glasses, and in high school I started wearing contacts. And when I buy canada goose jacket got those contacts, it was a new chapter for me. Then I had this four-year internship in high school with Marc Eckō, He had canadian goose jacket this company called Sweat Equity Enterprises. I wanted to be a designer. He would get us freelance jobs. We got to make a hat with New Era, a coat with Eckō, a watch with Timex. We got to do so much cool sh*t and get samples for it, and samples for our portfolio.I canada goose black friday sale would say that’s what really helped me get my confidence.Because anytime we had an idea, we had to produce a product from inspiration to final sample. We had to come up with ideas, pitch and convince Marc on why our sh*t deserved to be made. Every week we were sharing ideas, and canada goose nobody knows us, and you just had to know how to make them like it. That helped me a lot. I had to speak canada goose store up canada goose replica in front of people.EBONY: You like to draw parallels between the surface and things that are profound.Junglepussy: That’s how I feel. That’s something literal canada goose coats and thoughtful. With the name Junglepussy, Canada Goose online dudes be coming at me Canada Goose Jackets with this corny sh*t like, “I’m Tarzan, let me be your Jungledick.” It’s the difference between the surface and just diving deeper. And being outside, being in nature, that’s much better. But everybody just wants to give me leopard panties.EBONY: Does that sound like a cover-up to hide their insecurities?Junglepussy: Yes, guys are intimated by me, and it sucks for them because I’m mad funny. I be like, “Y’all still scared. So I’ll just keep being funny.” Guys these days, they want to be with a girl that’s going to make them look better. I feel like they want somebody that’s popping, but not really popping. Guys are so annoying.EBONY: I can tell from your music that you really want a relationship.Junglepussy: That’s what life is about.We’re here because of our parents. Even if they’re not together now, they were feeling a way. I know it’s nice that everyone is on their grind and wants to be cheap Canada Goose successful, but they will all be mad lonely and old with all their money and no one to share it with. Everyone just wants to be alone and it blows my mind.EBONY: With your confidence, is it hard being a woman in an industry dominated by men?Junglepussy: canada goose coats on sale Just being a Black woman in general is like a full-time job. Coming into music is no different. It’s still a White man’s world, and I’m maneuvering through it. Canada Goose Outlet I just take the same approach, brag here and there, and remind myself that I’m fully capable and equipped to be amongst these people. I know women have faced a lot more than I have, and it sucks.EBONY: Is being single something that worries Canada Goose Parka you?Junglepussy: You know, I talk to God, and I tell him that if this has to be my life story, and I have to live in this perspective and call guys out, if I have to be single forever, then let me know. But if I’m supposed to grow and be with someone, then I don’t want to be complaining about guys forever.I don’t want to complain. I want to communicate with more people, not Canada Goose sale just people who are fed up with guys and relationships. With my new music, I want to talk about feelings still. But you know when you hear a song and you get a vibe, and you just take it for what it is? That’s what I want to do.

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MAPUTO (Reuters) buy canada goose jacket Mozambicans voted canada goose outlet store locations on Wednesday in elections expected to return the ruling Frelimo party to power in one of Africa canada goose store fastest growing resource rich economies, and international observers said voting was generally peaceful.

A voter’s finger is marked after canada goose black friday sale voting in the Canada Goose Outlet general election in Maputo October 15, 2014. Election officers immediately began the painstaking task of counting canada goose coats the ballot papers by hand. The national electoral 2018 canada goose outlet commission was expected to start announcing provisional Canada Goose Coats On Sale results from Thursday.

Throughout Wednesday, lines had formed at polling stations in the port capital canada goose clearance sale Maputo and other cities, towns and villages. Voters waited patiently to make their choice in the elections for a new president, parliament and provincial assemblies.

to now, it has been rather calm, and I would like it to stay that way, the head of the European Union observer buy canada goose jacket cheap mission, Judith Sargentini, told Reuters shortly after polls closed.

Sargentini, a Dutch member of the European Parliament who was one of more than 1,000 international observers monitoring the elections, said voting appeared to have gone mostly smoothly canada goose clearance at the more than 17,000 polling stations, apart from some delays and hitches. An incident of ballot papers being burned was reported in the northwest canada goose province of Tete.

Foreign donors and investors hope the ballot will help to bury old canada goose deals animosities Canada Goose sale lingering from the 1975 1992 civil war fought between Frelimo and its old foe Renamo.

More than 10 million voters were registered to take part in the elections in the former Portuguese colony, whose 2,500 Canada Goose online km (1,550 mile) canada goose coats on sale coast extends from Tanzania to South Africa.

Mozambicans say they want whoever wins the vote to use newly discovered coal and natural gas reserves to end poverty and inequality and to provide jobs.

country has natural riches, from Rovuma to Maputo, but they are still not being converted into benefits for the people, said Alberto Eduardo, 44, a delivery worker who voted at a school in Maputo Polana Canico A neighborhood, a labyrinth of dusty tracks squeezed between ramshackle homes.

Frelimo is a read more here former Marxist liberation movement that has ruled Mozambique since independence in 1975.

Its presidential candidate, former defense minister Filipe Nyusi, faces a determined challenge from both the Renamo leader and ex rebel chief Canada Goose Parka Afonso Dhlakama and from a rising third force Daviz Simango and his Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM).

Outgoing Frelimo President Armando Guebuza is barred by the constitution from standing for a third term.

The election, the fifth presidential vote since a 1992 peace deal ended the civil war, is most competitive in the history of the country John Stremlau, vice president of peace programs at the Atlanta based Carter Center and another of the foreign observers, told Reuters.

INTERNATIONAL INTEREST Some observers predict a close race. If Frelimo Nyusi, 55, fails to secure more than 50 percent of the total vote, he will face Canada Goose Online a second round run off with his nearest contender in which the anti Frelimo votes would be united against him. oil major Anadarko Petroleum Corp and Italy Eni.

The Ebola epidemic in three West African nations has cast Canada Goose Jackets a pall over the wider region, but Mozambique in the southeast corner of Africa is so far Ebola free. The IMF sees its gross domestic product (GDP) growth topping 8 percent this year, though most of its more than 25 million people are poor.

real test of this transition moment is whether the political leaders who have historically fought each other will think in terms of a government of national unity, so that you will have inclusivity in the aftermath, Stremlau said.

He noted all of the main political leaders had said they would accept the result.

In their campaigns, Renamo Dhlakama and MDM Simango attacked what they say is the stranglehold Frelimo has long maintained canada goose outlet toronto factory over political and economic power in canadian goose jacket Mozambique.

belongs to everyone was the slogan of Simango, 50, a Renamo defector and civil cheap Canada Goose engineer who made a credible first showing in the 2009 presidential vote and whose party made gains in local government elections last year.

In the two years before the vote, Dhlakama armed Renamo partisans clashed sporadically with government troops and police and ambushed traffic on a north south highway, triggering some concerns Mozambique could slide back into civil war.

The white haired, bespectacled former guerrilla leader, who is 61, emerged from a bush canada goose replica hideout last month to ratify a deal with President Guebuza reaffirming the 1992 peace pact.

Another international observer, former Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, said a peaceful outcome was important not just for Mozambique but for Africa. or instability in Mozambique affects the whole region, he said.

I’d like to travel with Jimmy Carr in his Canada Goose Jackets exploring shorts

Comedian Russell Kane is known to Canada Goose online be a man who likes his home comforts. So when tasked with navigating through some of the world most remote locations, with canada goose black friday sale just an internet star and a smart phone for company, would it be the trip of a lifetime or a travelling nightmare?

Filming Stupid Man, Smart Phone is the most exhausted I’ve ever canada goose coats on sale been. I’m still canada goose catching up now from that exhaustion.

I’m in decent nick, but I’ve never done any survivalism before. I’ve never camped out in the open stars, I’ve never skinned an animal, I’ve never done anything like that. So that type of stuff was horrific.

I’ve never pooed in a bush. Here’s a canada goose outlet store locations psychological hurdle that if you haven’t crossed it in the first 30 or 40 years of your life, you’re going to struggle to cross it, and I had to. I’ve never been without canada goose outlet toronto factory a toilet in buy Canada Goose online canada goose jacket my life and I never want to do it ever again. Unless it goes to a second series, in which canadian goose jacket case, I’ll poo wherever you want!Travelling with different internet celebrities was just mental, man. Everyone reacts to it in different ways. Vine star Arron Crascall got quite teary missing his family. Other people were more bothered by the bugs and the wilderness.

Some people were just bang up for it, like Conor Maynard he made Canada Goose Parka me look stupid. And Jenny Jones, the canada goose store snowboarder, was building a raft in 40 degree heat with her bare hands while I stood in a cheap Canada Goose bush with borderline sunstroke.

YouTubers buy canada goose jacket cheap Rose and Rosie were the most useless of my companions. No question. They were just like me, scared of everything, falling over. And Rosie is vegan. I took a vegan to the canada goose clearance sale Arctic Circle where there’s basically just blubber, canada goose clearance fat, blood and meat. Someone like Rob Beckett. Or even, if I could talk him Canada Goose Coats On Sale into it, Romesh Ranganathan. Maybe we could do one in Sri Lanka when he’s filming the next Asian Provocateur. Or Jimmy Carr. it’d be quite funny to see him out of his comfort zone, in exploring shorts!

The third character on the trip is the phone. It is my robot companion. It’s as close as we’ve got to an R2D2 or C3PO.

When you’re making a programme called Stupid Man, Smart Phone, it’s pointless just trying to be a rubbish Bear canada goose deals Grylls. The phone was the centre of the experiment, of the comedy, of the narrative. The phone’s solving every quandary, that’s what makes this programme completely unique.

But it taught me there’s no substitute for the human element. Maybe my co hosts would say differently, but you can’t beat that feeling of an expert walking in and it’s a real person, shaking your hand, talking you through it and helping you. I’m always falling over, always injuring myself, so I’m not the best person to be climbing Canada Goose Online up a mountain or trekking across the desert leading a beast. We canada goose coats were Skyping them all the time while 2018 canada goose outlet I was away.

But I learnt I could prepare an animal. And I can light a fire without wood we burnt camel poo one night. I used a tampon and hand sanitizer to start a fire. I’ve inadvertently learnt quite a lot of survival knowledge.

Thankfully for the team, I’m still a worrier. If we cure that, Canada Goose Outlet we don’t have a show! A lot of the comedy comes out of seeing me screaming at a spider or a snake or a car door that didn’t close.

Russell Kane is a comedian and stars in Stupid canada goose replica Man, Smart Phone.

The series continues on Sunday, 8 May from midday on BBC iPlayer. Each episode will be available to watch in Canada Goose sale BBC iPlayer for six months. The BBC is not responsible for the content topparka of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking.


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