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LONDON (Reuters) Almost 10 percent of all cancers in men and cheap Canada Goose Coats 3.0 canada goose clearance sale percent in women in western Europe are caused by canada goose coats people drinking too much alcohol, scientists said on Friday.

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German researchers analyzed data from France, Italy, Spain, Britain, The Netherlands, Greece, Germany and Denmark and found 50,400 out of canada goose black friday sale a total of 79,100 cases of certain types of cancers in including bowel and throat tumors in 2008 were caused by people drinking more than recommended limits.

cancer cases could have been avoided if alcohol consumption was limited to two alcoholic drinks per day in Canada Goose Coats On Sale men and one alcoholic drink canada goose store per day in women,. the recommendations of many health organizations, canada goose uk black friday said Madlen Schutze of the German Institute of Human Nutrition, who led the study.

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A standard drink contains about 12 grams of alcohol and is equivalent to one 125 milliliter (ml) glass of wine or a half canada goose clearance pint of beer.

people just don know that drinking alcohol can increase their cancer risk, said Sara Hiom, director of health information at the charity Cancer Research UK.

She canada goose coats on sale noted that in Britain, mouth cancer has become canada goose factory sale much more common in the last 10 years, and reason for this could be because of higher levels of cheap Canada Goose drinking, as this buy canada goose jacket cheap study reflects.

According to Canada Goose online the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, there is a causal link between alcohol consumption and liver cancer, breast cancer colon or bowel cancer, and cancers of the upper digestive tract such as mouth, throat and oesophageal uk canada goose outlet cancers.

STICK TO THE LIMITS The researchers, whose work was published in the British Medical Journal, used data from research known as the European Prospective Investigation canada goose into Cancer (EPIC) study in which 363,988 men and women, mostly aged between 35 and 70 when they joined the canadian goose jacket study, were followed for cancer from the mid 1990s.

They calculated that in 2008, alcohol consumption by men was responsible expeditionparkaoutlets for about 57,600 cases of cancer of the types known to be linked to drinking. More than half of the cases, or 33,000, were due to having more than two drinks a day.

Alcohol intake by women in the eight countries caused about 21,500 cases of upper digestive tract, liver, colorectum, and breast cancer, of which more than uk canada goose 80 percent, or 17,400, were due to their having more than one standard drink a Canada Goose Outlet day.

Manuela Bergmann, who worked with Schutze on the study, said the findings provided solid support for recommended drinking limits and said she hoped more people would stick to them.

underlines that at the very least, it would be good to stay within the limits, she said in a telephone Canada Goose sale interview.

people believe canada goose uk shop it only a small group who drink more than the upper limits, but it becoming more of a problem because alcohol is cheap and available, so people drink more.

Estimates from the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund published in February said a third of all common cancers in the United States, China Canada Goose Jackets and Britain could be prevented each year if people had healthier diets, drank less alcohol and exercised more.

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One-on-One with gestiontb 'The Hate U Give' Novelist Angie Thomas

Headshot Photo: Anissa Hidouk “Oh. My. Jesus!!!!” was Angie Thomas’ response when canada goose clearance she found out that her debut novel, The Hate U Give had landed at No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list for Young Adult (YA) hardcover books.The novel was barely a week old when it took the top slot, canada goose deals which is par for the course of Thomas’ breakout success. The book was published by Balzer + Bray after a thirteen-publishing house bidding war. Its film rights were optioned by Fox 2000 prior to buy canada goose jacket publication, with George Tillman Jr. (Soul Food, Men of Honor) signed on to direct and actor Amandla Stenberg (The Hunger Games) to star.Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, The Hate U Give follows a 16-year-old Canada Goose Jackets girl named Starr, who grew up in a poverty-stricken neighborhood and now attends a suburban prep school. canada goose coats After she witnesses a police officer shoot her unarmed best friend, she tries to speak her truth as her existence in two very different worlds becomes a challenge.In this EBONY interview, the Jackson, Mississippi, native talks about the inspiration for her main character, how her Southern roots have shaped her as a writer, and why YA needs more Black girl stories.EBONY: When I found out that you were from Jackson, and that as a teenager you were an emcee, an André 3000 quote came to mind: “The South got something to say.”Angie Thomas: As a Black woman, I feel like I have a unique experience that we don’t often see in media portrayals of the South. When you say, “Southern” or you speak Canada Goose Parka about a Southern accent, there’s always that canada goose store drawl and usually from White people. That’s what people associate with the South.But we’re all different. The Black Southern accent is different. It’s small things like that, and then big things like being from Mississippi, specifically, and hearing the stories about Emmett Till, and being familiar with that from a very young age. Or knowing that I lived maybe three minutes away from Medgar Evers’ home, and that my mom heard the gunshot that killed him. Knowing that I live in a state where whenever somebody would fight for my rights or speak up for me, they were automatically deemed the enemy by the majority.Growing up with that kind of mindset and knowing canada goose clearance sale that, as a Black woman, I have to be twice as good to get half the respect, I have to prove myself even more in certain Canada Goose Online circumstances. This frames me as a writer in so many different ways.EBONY: How did this extra load on your shoulders influence the kind of writing you did in college canadian goose jacket and beyond?Thomas: I wrote The Hate U Give as a short story while I was in college, at a mostly White school in conservative Mississippi. But before that, I was [only] writing fantasy. And that’s not to say anything’s wrong with fantasy, but at the time I did not think that my experience mattered enough for anybody at my school to care when I wrote about it.But I had a professor, an older White gentleman, actually, and he pulled me aside one day and told me, “You know, there’s nothing wrong with maybe paying attention to Canada Goose online your surroundings.” It wasn’t him saying, “Ok, you’re the Black girl. You buy canada goose jacket cheap need to write about black experiences.” I was having an honest conversation with him, and I said, “I don’t think anybody cares about what’s happening Canada Goose sale in my world when I leave here.” And he canada goose outlet said, “There are stories there that need to be Canada Goose Coats On Sale told and heard, and there are voices there that have been silenced. And if you want to, you can have the opportunity to give those voices a platform through your writing. Give those stories some visibility.”And I think as a writer, sometimes you do worry, “Am I just writing, or am I putting the burden of African-Americans on my shoulder and carrying it?” canada goose replica But if we just write the stories that we’re supposed to write, that’s when we have the biggest impact.EBONY: What led you to expand The Hate U Give from a short story into a novel?Thomas: It was part of my senior project when I was in college, and every week I would have to turn in a little sample here and there to show my professor that I was actually working on it. And he would canada goose always say, “You’re going too far, darling. This is just supposed to be a short story. You’re making it into a novel.” I was adding cheap Canada Goose too many plot details and too many characters. But he also said, “Maybe one day you could write it as a book.”But after college, after graduation, I put it aside because it was such an emotionally taxing story to write. It would sometimes put me in a bad head space. But after Trayvon Martin happened, after Mike Brown happened, after Tamir Rice, and then Sandra canada goose coats on sale Bland—those four cases really pushed me. When you hear politicians and others on television basically blaming somebody for their own death, when you see Trayvon Martin being put on trial more Canada Goose Outlet so than George Zimmerman, when you see Michael Brown being put on trial more so than the gentleman that killed him, you’re seeing Tamir Rice, canada goose black friday sale a 12-year-old child being blamed for his own death … you get angry and frustrated and hurt. And the only thing I knew how to do was write.So I picked the story back up in 2014, 2015. And another thing that really got me was Trayvon Martin’s friend Rachel Jeantel and the criticism that young lady received because people didn’t think she presented herself the proper way, whatever that’s supposed to be. I remember being so angry because people were more focused on how she was saying things than what she was saying. And I wanted to write a young Black girl who, by their standards, presents herself the way they think she’s supposed to present herself. It was kind of like my middle finger to all of the critics. We can present ourselves well, if you want to call it that, and we can play your game how you want us to play it. But you probably still won’t listen.EBONY: So you centered this young Black woman, Starr Carter, in your book, and not a young Black man. Did you experience any resistance to that?Thomas: I didn’t. And it was surprising to me because so often the focus [with Black Lives Matter] is on Black men. I expected someone to say, “Why don’t you give us some stuff from Khalil’s perspective?” or something like that. But I felt strongly about it being from Star’s point of view because Black girls are so affected by this as well. And they get ignored. You see a lot of organizations—and this is not me criticizing, I’m thankful for these organizations—but you see a lot of organizations cropping up that are offering mentorships and emotional support for young Black boys in response to what we see, but Black girls are affected as well. Young Black girls are being criminalized as well. Young Black girls are more likely to be suspended than White girls. We’re seeing young Black girls attacked by police officers while they’re sitting at their desk at school.So I felt, as a writer and as a young Black woman in this country, I had to channel even my own fears and frustrations into this book, because it’s important.And I don’t see a lot of Black girls [as characters] in YA. They get overlooked so often, and they are frustrated. But you know what? They are also speaking out. I’m seeing young Black girls start their own movements and organizations and activism. For instance, Marley DN and her #1000blackgirlbooks book drive. That’s activism. We’re seeing Black girls find their voice, so why not give them a mirror to see themselves.

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SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfileThe current proposed legislation buy canada goose jacket cheap to legalize marijuana in canada goose replica Canada, Bill C 45, is inadequate because it does not offer enough protections for youth, according to Conservative senator Denise Batters.Batters said on Thursday that she has fielded calls and has spoken canada goose coats on sale to Saskatchewan residents who have expressed concerns about the possibility of the drug’s canada goose coats legalization.”I’ve been hearing from people from across the province and particularly in [federal Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s] riding for the last two years that they do not want marijuana legalized,” Batters said, adding people have said they think marijuana is being decriminalized, not legalized.Trudeau canada More goose deals government avoids Canada Goose sale defeat on key pot bill voteGovernment’s cannabis bill faces live Canada Goose Parka or die vote in Senate todayBatters has concerns that the federal legal age of possession, 18, is too low and does not offer enough protections canada goose outlet store locations for Canadian youth.Batters is one of the senate voters who opposed the bill on Thursday, when it passed its second reading by a vote of 44 29.Some of the issues Batters has expressed concern about include the federal legal age of possession, 18, canadian goose jacket being too low, and that minors (12 to 17) would essentially be able to share or possess marijuana, as long as they were in canada goose outlet toronto factory possession of five grams or less, without facing legal consequences.As far as protecting youth and curbing the black market for marijuana, Batters Canada Goose Online doesn’t think legalization will prevent people from buying illegally.Legal weed might lead to growth in illegal pot operations”We canada goose clearance sale just had public safety officials admit in our canada goose legal committee [on Thursday] that for children under 18, they will continue to be buying in Canada Goose Outlet some fashion illegally, either by people who are entitled to have it. but mostly through black market sales,” Batters said.”The black market will not end.”By 2018 canada goose outlet submitting a comment, you cheap Canada Goose accept that CBC canada goose clearance has the right Canada Goose Coats On Sale to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. Please note that CBC does buy canada goose jacket not endorse the opinions expressed in canada goose black friday sale comments. Comments canada goose store on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. Comments are welcome while Canada Goose Jackets open. We reserve the right to close comments at any time.

Argentina returns to global debt markets after 15

BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) Marking a rare bright spot among gloomy emerging markets, canada goose Argentina sold $16.5 billion of sovereign debt on Tuesday in its first international bond issue since canada goose uk outlet its record 2002 default.

Argentina’s Finance Minister Alfonso Prat Gay arrives for a news conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 29, 2016. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci

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could even have issued twice as many bonds, Prat Gay told a news conference in Buenos Aires. Friday, when we receive the funds in our account, we will pay the $9.3 billion owed to holdouts.

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A man reads a cheap canada goose uk newspaper as he walks in Buenos Aires’ financial district, Argentina, April 18, 2016. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci

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Pedestrians walk by the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Argentina, April 18, 2016. REUTERS/Marcos canada goose clearance sale Brindicci

Better access to financing is expected to help Macri carry out his open market policy reforms without the severe spending cuts that have gotten previous Argentine leader uk canada goose thrown out of office.

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