Will President Platini trigger a war?

So, Michel Platini is the new main man in European football. The question now is, will the first former player to become Uefa president be as good for the game as he was during the 1970s and 80s replica prada clutches, when his majestic midfield mastery was a joy to behold? His slogan on the campaign trail was “giving football back to the footballers” Authentic Prada Outlet Uk – but what does that really mean?

It means Amazon Uk Prada Bags reclaiming the game from big business and the near-cartel of elite clubs who, via the Champions League group stages, have hogged the wealth created by football and thereby perpetuated their own dominance. Platini’s predecessor, the 77-year-old Lennart Johansson, was proud of the reformed tournament and the unprecedented riches it has generated, but Platini’s vow to ensure the booty is distributed more evenly appears to be what won him the vote. Concretely, the only change to the current Champions League format that Platini has committed to is to restrict the number of entrants from a single country to a maximum of three, as opposed to four, Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Shoes Sale but his egalitarian rhetoric suggests he may have more surprises for the fat cats up his sleeve.

Then again, he may not. Cold financial and political realities may bite: the powerful G14 will already be gnashing their teeth, the biggest English clubs frothing as furiously as any of them at the prospect of competing for just three Champions League Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Online Shopping spots; and perhaps more importantly, Platini’s measures will antagonise English TV companies – and since these pay more for Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Official Website screening rights than Authentic Prada Outlet Online Uk any other broadcasters, the Frenchman’s victory could be about to rip a hole in Uefa’s pocket.

But that, argue Platini-ists, would only be a short-term Authentic Prada Wallet For Sale Philippines tear. Their logic is that, in the long-term, Authentic Prada Wallet For Sale Philippines the sight of the same teams sharing the spoils again and again would damage football’s popularity and ultimately kill the game. The smaller associations, who, of course, are the majority, appear to have agreed with this view, despite Johansson’s last-ditch bid to appeal to them by saying he would expand the European Championship from 16 to 24 finalists.

Platini also backed that proposal, which was originally put Authentic Prada Wallet For Sale Philippines forward by Scotland and now looks likely to be applied. He has also expressed his support for Fifa president Sepp Blatter’s idea that clubs should field at least six players qualified to play for the country they’re based in, meaning that Arsenal, for example, would have to start each match with at least six Englishmen.

Platini’s win, then, could pave the way for radical changes in the game. It could even lead to a cataclysmic collision between the big clubs and the game’s governors. This is what Johansson offered veiled warnings against, insisting he had the Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Online Shop nous and knowledge to sustain the current compromise and steer clear of the sort of in-fighting and breakaways that have ruined sports such as boxing and darts. Platini, he hinted, is a hotheaded idealist who’ll trigger a clash. We shall soon see.

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