Ask Nigel

Q Dear Nigel, I know the advantages of letting Authentic Prada Handbags Online roast meat “rest” for Black Leather Prada Milano Purse a while after Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Clothing Uk cooking, but how do I prevent the meat from getting cold? Geoff

A Hi Geoff, yes, it is tricky, Bicester Village Prada Discount isn’t it. I get around the problem with beef and Baby Prada Shoes Uk lamb by placing it on a really hot serving plate and then covering the joint with a dome of foil. It seems to work. The problem is with pork and chicken. I find that covering pork with any sort of cover makes the crackling go soft, and that chicken just won’t stay hot enough. I try and get round this by only resting chicken for 10 minutes. The pork is trickier and I have taken to simply putting it on a very hot dish and laying the foil over the top very loosely. It is essential to find somewhere out of a draft, and Authentic Prada Bags For Cheap sometimes I put it in the switched-off oven with the door open (not to be recommended if there are children around). I will say that having a hot plate makes a huge difference.

Q Hi Nigel, I bought some Are Prada Nylon Bags Worth The Money fresh greeny-yellow dates on a vine from a Turkish shop last week. I cut one open at home, and it looked and tasted unripe. I thought that I would wait for them to ripen. But they haven’t ripened. They have just developed brown patches on their skins. Naomi

A Authentic Prada Bags Uk Dear Naomi, dates ripen in four stages, which are always referred to by the Arabic names: kimri, khalal, rutab and tamr. They are generally picked at the khalal stage, which is where yours are now. Unripened dates Bicester Village Prada Discount are often used in salads replica prada womens wallets, where their sharpness is welcome. Yours are simply going through their ripening process. They tend to ripen in Authentic Prada Handbags Outlet Online spots rather than evenly, so hold on, and keep an eye on them. They should be fully darkened in a week or two, depending on their variety and where you are keeping them.

? If you have a cooking question for Nigel, email

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