Reid wants a shutdown because he believes it

And it wasn even passed through the normal process. They had to use a procedural trick to get it through, insisted the Chairwoman of the Tea Party canada goose black friday sale Express. the American people known canada goose factory sale all cheap canada goose uk this negative stuff that coming out now, I think that the results of the last election would have been different. the interview initially following the traditional back and forth format, eventually the Morgan Live host simply allowed his guest to make her point, uninterrupted, and with great intensity:

this legislation was shoved down our throats in 2009, 2010, we elected a Republican House. The House controls the purse strings. Republican hands. And we are having this conversation which we should be Canada Goose online having, Canada Goose Parka said Kremer, before suggesting that the Senate Majority Leader has been placing his party needs over those of his country. Reid wants a shutdown because be believes it a political victory for the Democrats in 2014. No one talking about how Harry Reid and the White House was threatening a government shutdown on July buy canada goose jacket cheap 26th if the sequester was not rolled back. his guest finally allowing him an opening, Morgan said simply Kremer, thank you very much indeed.

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Amy Kremer claims that Harry Reid is just interested in a political victory over the Republicans and not the concerns of all Americans. IMHO, they believe this is a uk canada goose outlet move to socialize medical Canada Goose sale services which would remove a lot of the ability of the medical profession to charge ever escalating fees. The US is notorious for having unaffordable health care. Even a broken arm or leg could set an average citizen back tens of thousands of dollars. Major cancer treatments must bankrupt countless citizens.

Even so, insurance companies are also notorious for charging what the traffic will bear and I can easily see that canada goose uk outlet there will still be millions of Americans left out of the system because of inability canada goose coats to pay. The tax on medical devices is meant to offset the cost of the system but it would Canada Goose Outlet also serve to limit the price gouging on these items by manufacturing companies who see that as one of the few ways to make money on the new system. The Republicans need to think of the needs of ALL canada goose uk black friday their citizens rather than the select few.

October 1, 2013 at 3:25 pm

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They (Dems) talk about it being affordable. That a load of crap. A college student canada goose clearance scraping by found the cheapest canada goose store plan at arconserve $300 a month. And if you don buy it, you get penalized on your taxes. Obamacare is nothing but a new Canada Goose Online tax in one form or another. You don need a whole new system just to say uk canada goose no lifetime limits, no pre existing condition canada goose clearance sale limits and insure kids to 26 yrs old. Obama care is a massive nationwide conglomeration that will involve an army of bureaucrats and even with the IRS getting deeply involved. cheap Canada Goose what could possibly go wrong?? And the so called Romney care was on the state level a complete different animal. And BTW many republicans are saying there are some good things in this like the abolishing the pre existing conditions curse.

October 1, 2013 at 6:07 pm

You are all over the place. You need to stop watching canada goose uk shop faux news. you repeating the same garbage without any facts or proof to backup what you saying. The fearmongering needs to stop. True Romneycare is at the state level but uninsured people have the same effect all over the country. So it not really a state only issue becaue there are uninsured in all 50 states. Vermont has set up it own system (single payer) Why don states like texas come up with Canada Goose Coats On Sale their own system? The reason is simple, they really don care about poor people.

October 1, 2013 at 8:10 canadian goose jacket pm

Calm down buttercup! It Canada Goose Jackets not about me at all. I have health ins. through my employer. Just as the president stated. you already have insurance, the law has little impact on you. I still have my doctor. I still have my ins. Nobody from the govt knoocked on my door and told me to do anything. canada goose So YOUR prediction of doom and gloom is already down the toilet.

The world isn laughing at us at all. The world is concerned because your republican and buy canada goose jacket tea party friends have threatened to destroy the economy.

The US threatened to blow syria AZZ to allah land, then and only then did putin get involed. Get the order right.

If you had better facts, a better plan I would support you. PERIOD. I ask YOU again. WHAT IS YOUR PLAN TO HELP THE UNINSURED? Uninsured people cost the taxpayer money when they can pay their hospital bill. Do you like paying someone else bill? I don cheap Canada Goose Jackets think so. So come up with a canada goose coats on sale better plan and I sing to the heavens in an effort to promote it.

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