airlines point to additional problems of any Ebola travel ban

(Repeats Oct. airlines have said little publicly about political pressure to close the country borders canada goose store to travelers from Ebola ravaged countries in West Africa, but in private they have briefed government officials about the challenges to implementing a ban, industry sources told Reuters. lawmakers have called for Canada Goose Coats On Sale a buy canada goose jacket cheap ban on visitors from Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, where the world worst Ebola outbreak on uk canada goose outlet record has killed almost 5,000 people. Since late September, a Liberian man who canada goose factory sale traveled by Canada Goose Parka airline to Texas and an American doctor who lives in New York and flew home after treating Ebola patients in Guinea, have been diagnosed with the virus after their arrival. Canada Goose Jackets The Liberian died on Oct. 8 and the doctor is hospitalized in a specialized ward.

The canada goose uk outlet Airlines for Canada Goose Online America trade group Canada Goose sale has said canada goose coats on sale publicly that it supports the White House view that a ban would make canada goose clearance sale it more difficult to curb the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Yet individual airlines have raised additional concerns that their booking agents and software are not equipped to flag travelers under a ban. They also worry that a blanket restriction for West African canada goose coats countries might alarm the public and curtail travel on a wider scale. carrier.

Airlines for America has briefed people involved with travel issues on Capitol Hill in Washington about its position, according to a source present for the talks. Discussions have not risen to the level of a lobbying campaign because the Obama administration has so far rejected a ban and Congress is out of session, according to the airline executive.

the state of the news cycle, it a practical approach, said airline cheap canada goose uk industry consultant Robert Mann. just simply don want to raise the issue to headline status anymore. It may not turn out to be the winning strategy, canada goose uk shop but at this point it is for them the best approach.

American Airlines buy canada goose jacket suffered a single day uk canada goose drop in canada goose clearance bookings after Congress stirred the public concern during a hearing on Ebola earlier this month, although reservations quickly rebounded. cheap Canada Goose American, Canada Goose Outlet Delta Air Lines, United Airlines and Southwest Airlines have said Ebola has not impacted consumer demand overall.

Airline stocks plummeted in the days following the Liberian diagnosis in Dallas on Sept. 30, with American shares falling nearly 20 percent. Yet the stocks have rebounded and American is up more than 13 percent compared Canada Goose online with Sept. 30 after airlines offered largely positive guidance for the current quarter.

ITINERARY Several countries, including Jamaica and Australia, have canada goose imposed travel restrictions on visitors canadian goose jacket from the three nations most affected by the disease. government requires all travelers from these three like web countries to enter through five major airports, where they are checked for fever and asked questions to determine their risk of exposure.

The travelers canada goose uk black friday will be monitored by local canada goose black friday sale health officials for 21 days, the maximum window in which an Ebola infection would materialize. states, including New York and New Jersey, are quarantining high risk passengers.

Airline officials note that even under a travel ban, they may not be able to determine where a passenger set out from, as there are no direct flights from Liberia, Guinea or Sierra Leone. Booking systems cannot necessarily catch people who reserve their connecting flight to the United States on a separate ticket from their flight out of West Africa.

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