It literally the same as giving someone a mild version of the disease so that their body can develop natural immunity. It exactly what antivaxxers are in favour of (giving people the “natural” immunity), except we weakened or killed the pathogens so that it isn strong enough to kill you but is strong enough for the body to defend against it. Thiomersal, which doesn cause problems in the brain anyway, is not present in any vaccines that will be used on children.
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He was richly dressed, but wore a gouty shoe which, however, did not lessen the stateliness of his gait. Around and behind him were people in plain civic dresses, and two or three war worn veterans, evidently officers of rank, arrayed in a uniform of blue and buff. But Esther Dudley, firm in the belief that had fastened its roots about her heart, beheld only the principal personage, and never doubted that this was the long looked for Governor, to whom she was to surrender up her charge.
Edit: Okay, I see that many people disagree with me. I want to clarify something: it not that I find these things I listed bad, it that I rather want Game Freak to work (to spend their time and effort) on gameplay features that are fun and interesting to play instead of these mediocre features. What I saying is that I believe that they can do much better than this.
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