Wilson trip on Maatta right before the game winning goal

Mtt was just as tired as Ovi and Backstrom and twice as slow. Slew canada goose outlet uk foot canada goose outlet new york Canada Goose Jackets city aside this played out exactly like it should have after that misplay by canada goose Olli and I’m buy canada goose jacket glad he still felt accountable instead of running straight to the refs.It’s cheap canada goose uk unfortunate, but that’s hockey. canada goose factory outlet A week ago it was Letang canada goose coats getting away with canada goose uk black friday a missed canada goose outlet online call that lead to official canada goose outlet a series clinching canada goose outlet back breaker for the Pens. Just have to move on from canada goose outlet uk sale it and look at the mistake instead of the miscall.Edit: Fellow Pens fans and unbiased canada goose uk outlet advocates for fair play, I understand your plight. In a perfect world Mtt gets to try and get back into the play unhindered or the Pens go on the man advantage. canada goose outlet in usa But that isn’t what happened and the canada goose black friday sale only tangible learning point any of Canada Goose sale the Pens can take from that play is to not make that pass again.I think the Wennberg hit demonstrates this precisely. He sees Wennberg and also sees that Ovi is behind him. But he decides to fly in for a hit anyway. And because Ovi is behind Wennberg, he canada goose Canada Goose Coats On Sale black friday sale has to adjust his angle at canada goose outlet reviews the last moment to avoid slamming Wennberg into Ovi. The result was him launching his body into Wennberg head. Obviously, this was not canada goose clearance his original intent. But the recklessness is what led to it.Personally, I think hits to the head should be an automatic suspension, regardless of original intent. Reckless behavior on the ice should be Canada Goose Outlet deterred. That makes it arguable)The problem is that if they are just barely on the side of legal but are still consistently hurting people, that a big problem. So thanks for that.It sucks that these hits canadian goose jacket have happened in this postseason because his hitting really Canada Goose online has been more under control this year During the regular season, he didn have canada goose outlet nyc Canada Goose Online a single non fighting major, he had one uk canada goose outlet boarding minor and not a canada goose outlet canada single charging call. I watch every game Canada Goose Parka and he frequently canada goose outlet store passed up hits that he 100% would finished in previous seasons that would been canada goose outlet parka borderline but devastating. I guess he feels that he needs to up canada goose store the intensity for the playoffs, I just wish he dial it back 1 notch to make those hits less questionable, but still crushing.yeah, I will cheap Canada Goose Coats say I have a sneaking suspicion that the NFL has a much more inherent goose outlet canada problem, and have my own guesses that a major factor on their side are the extremely high number of sub concussive hits contributing substantially to the issues.That would make the problem one integral to the sport itself meaning football may look radically different in the future if I right.Hockey on the other hand can evolve much more seamlessly to cut out most headshots, as hitting isn as integral a part https://www.topparka.ca of the game (though obviously still an important one, it doesn happen literally a dozen times on every play)I think that the Penguins had plenty of opportunities to put themselves in a position to win this game and didn As a former coach canada goose clearance sale and player you cannot put yourself in a position to let the referees decide the outcome of a game.However, this is canada goose outlet jackets a clear trip, it is called 9 times out of 10 and it should have uk canada goose been called here. The Capitals scored on the resulting 2 on canada goose outlet sale 1 with a filthy goal by Ovechkin canada goose coats on sale maybe 7 seconds later and canada goose uk shop it was clearly because of this trip.The officiating canada goose outlet store uk in the canada goose factory sale canada goose buy canada goose jacket cheap outlet toronto cheap Canada Goose factory playoffs is one of the most frustrating things, it completely changes the game. I understand the whole, “let them play mentality” but I think that should only apply in situations where it canada goose outlet online uk not going to affect the outcome of the game. canada goose outlet shop This is not canada goose outlet black friday one of those incidents and the NHL really needs to address the referees because this is getting out of hand. This angle is bad for seeing the angle Wilson took, but Maatta does lean up and back as Wilson is approaching. He was hunched way over looking down when he made the canada goose jacket outlet pass.

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