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I need my sleep too, but unfortunately, I am a night owl. I typically go to bed at 11:30 or 12:00 and get up around 7. Some days I can squeeze in a short nap and if it is a normal weekend, I can “sleep in” on Sunday. My husband takes Saturday and I take Sunday. So it all works. They bicker and pick fights with each other. They are more stubborn and argumentative with me it’s like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde children! I am a huge component that kids need a lot of sleep and quite fankly, I need canada goose outlet buffalo that 2 hours after bedtime to unwind myself.

canada goose black friday sale My 9 year old fights me on bedtime because according to her there are no other 4th graders in the world who go to bed at 8:00. She is allowed to read, write or draw quietly until about 8:30. We tried 9 earlier this year and without that extra 30minutes she was visibly cranky. canada goose black friday sale

canada goose coats on sale I love fact that we gained an hour this weekend it allows me to try to “right” my families sleep patterns as I think we stay up and sleep in too late for our own good. I heard somewhere that the earlier you go to sleep at night the more restful the sleep actually is. canada goose coats on sale

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