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cheap Canada Goose I ranted and raged canada goose outlet black friday sale about how much I hate all instances of RNG in pokemon and how I remove them. The only way I see of removing crits without turning the game into nothing but stallfest are some combination of: cheap Canada Goose

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Perish Song teams require a very different playstyle from all other canada goose outlet winnipeg team archetypes. You shouldn have to be forced into one distinct playstyle to counter just stall too few pokemon learn Perish Song without having to sacrifice something crucial to their function for it to be a standard tech move.

Clear Smog and Haze aren particularly available moves either. Right now they available on meta relevant pokemon like Amoonguss and Tapu Fini, but that might not always be true.

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buy canada goose jacket In my opinion, stall as an archetype is NOT a bad thing for the game. It should be allowed, but in its present form stall is simply unfun and feels unfair. You either have a blind hard counter, or instantly lose in team preview. All of my ideas for removing stall are geared towards the annoying stall Minimize Chansey especially. Some stall is GOOD for the game, and wouldn be affected too much by these changes. However, these changes would require a pretty massive redesign of the battle and stat mechanics, and would probably ruin something else I haven thought of. I no game designer, just someone who really really hates RNG in pokemon. Critical hits are absolutely mandatory in the current state of pokemon where stall exists, and at least some of these changes would have to be made in order to justify removing crits as a mechanic buy canada goose jacket.

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