The Rift is aimed at the mainstream PC gamer. Oculus will have 30 games available at launch with many more in the pipeline. They also are helped by their competition. The settlement and the river were usually spelled “Tom’s River” in its early days, though its current spelling has been standard since the middle of the 19th century.Toms River was located in the southern section of the Township of Shrewsbury that obtained a royal charter to secede in 1767 and form Dover Township. During the American Revolutionary War, Toms River was home to a strategically important salt works that supplied colonial militias, as well as a base for privateer vessels that plundered British and Tory ships off the coast. In March 1782, a group of British and loyalist soldiers attacked a blockhouse along the river that housed the colonial militia and captured Captain Joshua Huddy, who was later hanged at Sandy Hook.

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