Or, for example, if it “raining cats and dogs.” One theory for the origin of that bizarre phrase is that animals like cats and dogs used to hide in the thatched roofs of homes in the Middle Ages, and then during a storm, they would be washed out from their hiding place in the roof, causing it to look like it was “raining cats and dogs.” This theory hung on for many years, but was eventually debunked due to the fact that thatched roofs were actually very tightly compressed and naturally water resistant, so it wouldn make sense. Another possible theory is that in Norse mythology, dogs were symbolic of the wind, while cats (who were associated with witches) were symbolic of rain so when there was a very windy rainstorm, one might use the phrase there. We still not sure where that phrase came from, though! In any event, English has a lot of these types of phrases, and they can be fun to think about! Can you guess the missing words in all these English idioms?.

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Removable leashed zip pouch. Embossed logo at bottom center. 11.5″H x 19.5″W x 6″D. Reaction to Rachel Jeantel on the stand “has been in terms of aesthetics, of disregarding a witness on the basis of how she talks, how good she is at reading and writing,” says George Ciccariello Maher, a history and politics professor at Drexel University, in Philadelphia. “These are subtle things that echo literacy testing at the polls, echo the question of whether black Americans can testify against white people, of being always suspect in their testimony. It’s the same old dynamics emerging in a very different guise.”.

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