Carrefour hunts for new CEO

PARIS, Nov 25 (Reuters) French retailer Carrefour SA is on the hunt for a new chief executive, according to a source canada goose close to the situation, a revelation that could further weaken the position of incumbent Lars Olofsson after a buy canada goose jacket cheap series of profit warnings.

Carrefour issued a denial after the news, first cheap canada goose reported in Le Figaro. The newspaper said some of the company top shareholders had resolved canadian goose jacket to ditch the 59 year old Canada Goose Online Swede.

The source told Reuters that experienced retail executive Georges Plassat had already been offered Olofsson job as part of the search, but turned down the proposal earlier this month.

was offered the job and he said This was in November, the source said, adding: canada goose outlet store locations is still no candidate to succeed Olofsson at this time.

Pressure has been canada goose clearance sale building on Olofsson after repeated profit warnings, management defections and strategic u turns over the past year. private equity colony Capital, might get rid of him soon, particularly if he fails to deliver on his ambitious project to revamp the group European hypermarkets.

But finding a successor with the right profile to reassure investors, boost staff morale and revive canada goose store the fortunes of the world No 2 retailer after Wal Mart Stores Inc may not be easy.

Olofsson Canada Goose Outlet has promised an update on the hypermarket plan early next year, probably alongside fourth quarter sales figures on Jan. 12 or annual results in February or March.

BOARD DENIAL recurring rumours about the potential replacement of Carrefour CEO, the board of directors of the company formally denies all information published in the press on that subject, Carrefour said in a statement on Friday.

It issued the statement after Le Figaro said Colony Capital and Groupe Arnault had resolved to get rid of Olofsson and saw Canada Goose sale Plassat as a possible successor.

Plassat could not be immediately reached canada goose replica for comment.

A spokesman for Blue Capital, the alliance between Arnault and Colony, declined to comment on the Reuters and Figaro reports.

position of Blue Capital is perfectly identical to that of Carrefour board as expressed in this morning statement, he said.

The group canada goose black friday sale shares had turned negative following canada goose clearance Carrefour denial.

By 1523 GMT, Carrefour shares were 1.6 percent higher, outperforming their European sector index, 2018 canada goose outlet which was up 0.9 percent.

Plassat is a former boss of French rival Casino buy canada goose jacket who has also worked at Carrefour Spanish business and more recently led a turnaround of shoe and clothing group Vivarte canada goose coats on sale under private equity ownership.

Most analysts say Carrefour needs a genuine retailer to turn it around and restore employee morale and investor canada goose deals confidence.

Analysts have said that former finance chief and emerging market boss Pierre Bouchut would also be a Canada Goose Coats On Sale strong Canada Goose online candidate for the job, along with the head of Europe, Canada Goose Parka Thomas Huebner.

would consider Georges Plassat to be a suitable CEO, Nomura analysts have said, noting his experience of the food retail sector, his track record in restructuring, his knowledge of non food retailing that could help Carrefour with a problem area and his experience working with majority shareholders.

we canada goose outlet toronto factory think it cheap Canada Goose will take time to improve Carrefour performance and to convince investors to believe in another recovery story, they added. Canada Goose Jackets (Editing by Andrew Callus and David Holmes) canada goose coats.

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