To Ferguson//// Witness [A Poem by Phillip Agnew]

Demonstrators protesting the shooting canada goose outlet death Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri MarioAnzuoni/Reuters buy canada goose jacket cheap Thank you…For your bravery.For calming courage in crisis.For your Canada Goose Coats On Sale revolt.For your rebel.For your community, your collective leadership, your lived resistance.For your ‘fuck this shit.'For your curfews.For your token chief,And his military police– mentored by canada goose black friday sale Mossad.For your resistance— guided by Gaza.For your well of canada goose humanity:Digging deep in revolutionary reservoirs.For that camel:Back breaking under sunny Saturday straws.For your Molotov.For fiery Florissant;Flaming from FergusonTo a ghetto near you.For your struggle:An indelible mark on our collective memory of Rights inalienable.Free speech, assemble in peace, buy canada goose jacket redress of grief.For challenging our direction and intersection.Our commitment and analysis,Our vision of the possible,Our tear ducts.For your booing:Of Reverends:And “New” Panthers,And Canada Goose Jackets National Associations,And homegrown hip hop heroes-turned-Hollywood.For making it so hard for the Old Guard.For challenging Jesus himself to grab goggles and a gas canada goose store mask,And canada goose clearance sale get his ass to Canfield.For #handsup.DON’T SHOOT!For new friends & future fighters.Connected rebel guards across the country.For nightly resistance.For midnight conversations about reclaiming the QuikTrip,And all night journeys down downtown to the Department.For we young, we strong, we marching all night long.For uncivil disobedience.For laughter;Balming burned hands and all gold canada goose clearance megaphones.For cyphers: our artistic counterinsurgency tactic.For new chants and songs:Crowdsourced from heartsTo mouths to hands raised.For literal and figurative raidsOn Canada Goose Outlet our safest spaces.For the Love:That Deep, requited, crazy, unwavering, strong, uninhibited, canada goose coats on sale full, foolishReal LOVE.For allowing me to canada goose deals bear WitnessTo a rebellion; unbounded radical energy.To 5 men doing all they could to hold canadian goose jacket back a manWith the strength of 6;Pores pierced with pepper,Pleading with the policeTo kill him:As he would rather dieThan live another minuteIn the world as it is.To mighty minds wrestling with the moment.To quarreling clergy Councils calling on Christ.To “Movement Veterans” vying for police attention, Marshalling honorable mentions, fencing youth in the trenches.To white allies and anarchists; building bonds, burning buildings, and throwing bricks. Respectively, of course.To tears streaming cheap Canada Goose down the face of a woman being interviewedAnd down the face of the woman interviewing her.To a country at war with the stepchildren it never wanted or loved.To the oft-deceptive 24 hour perspective of the pundits: looting the canada goose replica truth, rioting against our narrative.To powerful political analysis by them “young thugs”:Faces obscured by t-shirts and TV.Out all night exercising their human right.Telling me that canada goose coats they’d “fight that man” until they“Indict that man.”To a “show Canada Goose sale me” state living up to its name.To people Canada Goose online who couldn’t be closer to me if they had my last name.WE SEE YOU.Your resistance is documented. You're a chapter in this fucked up American anthology.WE FEEL YOU.You are liberators:With every tank,Every military move they make…Chains break.WE HEAR YOU.We know bout itBecause we all live in a “North County."We will not Canada Goose Parka soon un-see youAnd for the past few weeks,Every armchair revolutionaryWanted to be you.I love you.We love you.Bravo Ferguson. Fight on.Encore. Encore!!The world is ours.Phillip Agnew is the Executive Director of the Canada Goose Online Dream Defenders. Follow him on Twitter: @philofdreams_.

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