Other works by Edward D. Gideon Fell) and Agatha Christie (creator of Hercule Poirot). Amateur Sleuth: Sam Hawthorne is a small town doctor. Character Overlap: Private detective Al Darlan and police officer Jules Leopold debuted in the same 1957 story, “Jealous Lover”, before going on to successful separate careers. “The Theft of Leopold’s Badge” features both Leopold and Nick Velvet. The Ben Snow story “The Problem of the Haunted Teepee” also features Sam Hawthorne. The Jeffery Rand story “The Spy and the Gypsy” also features Michael Vlado. High Turnover Rate: Mayors in the Dr. Sam Hawthorne mysteries died in various impossible manners. Historical Detective Fiction: The Alexander Swift series, set in The American Revolution. The Ben Snow series, set in the Wild West circa 1900. The Sam Hawthorne series, set in the early years of the 20th century. Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Stories featuring cryptanalyst Jeffery Rand tend to be titled “The Spy and the [noun]”. It Is Pronounced Tro Pay: Sir Gideon Parrot the t is silent. Locked Room Mystery: Quite a few of his stories, with Dr. Sam Hawthorne getting one per story. Nostalgic Narrator: https://www.goodhandbagsforsale.com Sam Hawthorne, as an old man, narrates the adventures of his younger self. Private Detective: Al Darlan. Ten Paces and Turn: “An Early Morning Madness” features a pistol duel.

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