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replica hermes bags The answer is, simply, that the early churches did value women’s contributions. Not only did women show their strength in numbers, they did so in leadership positions as well. Both Acts and the Pauline tradition refer to the missionary couple Priscilla and Aquila, with Priscilla’s name preceding her husband’s in four of six instances (Acts 18:18, 26; Romans 16:3; 2 Timothy 4:19). Since the husband’s name usually figures first in ancient pairings, this pattern suggests Prisca’s prominence. In Romans 16 Paul refers to women and men alike as partners in the gospel. The only named deacon in the New Testament is Phoebe, a patron of the movement she seems to be Paul’s representative to the church in Rome (Romans 16:1 2). Paul also refers to Junia as an apostle, a fact most English translations covered up until 1989 (Romans 16:7). His letters refer to several other prominent women, including Euodia and Synthyche, who likely led the church in Philippi (Philippians 4:2) and Chloe, whose “people” maintained communication with Paul in his absence (1 Corinthians 1:11). And though the prophet John condemns her teachings, Revelation’s indictment of “Jezebel” (no way that was her real name) indicates the influence of a woman prophet in Thyatira (Revelation 2:20 24). Moreover, both Acts and Paul refer to women who hosted church gatherings in their homes (12:12; 16:40; Romans 16:3 5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; Philemon 1 2; see Colossians 4:15), a service that must have implied some level of status replica hermes bags.

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