Note: This page is not meant to showcase individual Tropers’ opinions on works, despite the title. Only add a work to a subpage if there’s a fairly unanimous consensus outside TV Tropes that the work is of poor quality, or at least that elements of it are. (For example, the early Mega Man games have boxart widely considered to be hilariously ugly, while the games themselves are thought of as some of the best platformers ever made.) Also, it does not mean Guilty Pleasure. If people find merit in a widely derided work instead of relishing its flaws, then it’s Narm Charm or Critical Backlash.
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Hermes Replica Bags Obligatory Bondage Song: A lot of albums with Naked City have covers featuring people in sado masochistic poses and bondage, including Radio. The track “S M Sniper” from “Torture Garden” (1990) is a song example. “Submission”, “My Master, My Slave” and “Dominatrix 5B” from “Heretic” (1992) too. One Word Title: The albums “Elegy” (1992), “Kristallnacht” (1993), “Redbird” (1995), “IAO” (2002), “Chimeras” (2003), “Magick” (2004), “Mysterium” (2005), “Rituals” (2005), “Femina” (2009), “Interzone” (2010), “Enigmata” (2011), “Nosferatu” (2012), “Rimbaud” (2012), “Lemma” (2013), “Dreamachines” (2013),. Hermes Replica Bags
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