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Hermes Belt Replica SubscriptionsGo to the Subscriptions Centre to manage your:My ProfileAfter additional hearings, the Nunavut Impact Review Board has reversed its 2016 decision and recommended that the Back River gold mine, proposed by the Sabina Gold and Silver Corporation, move ahead.The proposed mine site is approximately 400 kilometres southwest of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, where the additional hearings were held.’State of the art’ caribou protection plans draw broad support for Sabina gold mineSome fear outcome inevitable as 2nd round of Sabina gold mine hearings get underway in Cambridge BayOn July 18, the review board published its revised report, which has been submitted to the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, Carolyn Bennett, for a final decision.In a press release, Sabina Gold and Silver said that if the minister accepts the review board’s decision, a project certificate could be issued before the end of the year.On the basis of the review board’s approval, the company will begin applying for permits associated with full scale mine construction, including licence applications to the Nunavut Water Board.Matthew Pickard, Sabina’s vice president of environment and sustainability, said preliminary work on the mine site could start as early as March 2018, with construction moving into full swing by the fall.He said it will take around $400 million to build the mine and bring Designer replica Hermes it into production. It will employ around 800 people with about half those on site at any given time. It is projected to have an 11 year production lifespan.Sabina’s Goose property Hermes Belt Replica.

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