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But it does make me sad a bit to think the next kid is popped out the undesired preference so they start moving on to the next. To each their own I guess. Don know this but had to comment on the whole having a billion kids in search of their other gender.

Lace Wigs The (political) racial hierarchy is gone if not inverted.I would be more inclined to agree with you that the word still holds power today if the person saying it did have power over the person it directed at, like if she were the black guy boss.Calling someone by a racial slur is not an attack on their character or person, it an attack on their “kind”.I don see why the locus of the attack is relevant. So how about “bitch” should slurring a woman as a “bitch” now be a crime?If I get up in your face, my nose inches from yours even though I not touching you, and say “I SAID MOVE BACK, GOT IT? MOVE BACK OR THERE WILL BE SERIOUS TROUBLE BETWEEN YOU AND ME”That constitutes a legal definition of assault. You could have felt like your safety was jeopardized by me doing that Lace Wigs.

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