Study shows Europe’s alcohol

LONDON (Reuters) Almost 10 percent of all cancers in men and cheap Canada Goose Coats 3.0 canada goose clearance sale percent in women in western Europe are caused by canada goose coats people drinking too much alcohol, scientists said on Friday.

People wearing traditional Bavarian cheap canada goose uk clothes toast with beer during the opening buy canada goose jacket day of the 177th Oktoberfest in Munich September 18, 2010. Canada Goose Online REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger

German researchers analyzed data from France, Italy, Spain, Britain, The Netherlands, Greece, Germany and Denmark and found 50,400 out of canada goose black friday sale a total of 79,100 cases of certain types of cancers in including bowel and throat tumors in 2008 were caused by people drinking more than recommended limits.

cancer cases could have been avoided if alcohol consumption was limited to two alcoholic drinks per day in Canada Goose Coats On Sale men and one alcoholic drink canada goose store per day in women,. the recommendations of many health organizations, canada goose uk black friday said Madlen Schutze of the German Institute of Human Nutrition, who led the study.

even more cancer cases would be prevented if Canada Goose Parka people reduced their alcohol intake to below canada goose uk outlet recommended guidelines or stopped drinking alcohol at all.

A standard drink contains about 12 grams of alcohol and is equivalent to one 125 milliliter (ml) glass of wine or a half canada goose clearance pint of beer.

people just don know that drinking alcohol can increase their cancer risk, said Sara Hiom, director of health information at the charity Cancer Research UK.

She canada goose coats on sale noted that in Britain, mouth cancer has become canada goose factory sale much more common in the last 10 years, and reason for this could be because of higher levels of cheap Canada Goose drinking, as this buy canada goose jacket cheap study reflects.

According to Canada Goose online the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, there is a causal link between alcohol consumption and liver cancer, breast cancer colon or bowel cancer, and cancers of the upper digestive tract such as mouth, throat and oesophageal uk canada goose outlet cancers.

STICK TO THE LIMITS The researchers, whose work was published in the British Medical Journal, used data from research known as the European Prospective Investigation canada goose into Cancer (EPIC) study in which 363,988 men and women, mostly aged between 35 and 70 when they joined the canadian goose jacket study, were followed for cancer from the mid 1990s.

They calculated that in 2008, alcohol consumption by men was responsible expeditionparkaoutlets for about 57,600 cases of cancer of the types known to be linked to drinking. More than half of the cases, or 33,000, were due to having more than two drinks a day.

Alcohol intake by women in the eight countries caused about 21,500 cases of upper digestive tract, liver, colorectum, and breast cancer, of which more than uk canada goose 80 percent, or 17,400, were due to their having more than one standard drink a Canada Goose Outlet day.

Manuela Bergmann, who worked with Schutze on the study, said the findings provided solid support for recommended drinking limits and said she hoped more people would stick to them.

underlines that at the very least, it would be good to stay within the limits, she said in a telephone Canada Goose sale interview.

people believe canada goose uk shop it only a small group who drink more than the upper limits, but it becoming more of a problem because alcohol is cheap and available, so people drink more.

Estimates from the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund published in February said a third of all common cancers in the United States, China Canada Goose Jackets and Britain could be prevented each year if people had healthier diets, drank less alcohol and exercised more.

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